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Follow These Six Steps to Increase Leads at Your Next Trade Show!

Posted by Mitch Rolfe on 1st Jun 2015


Trade shows can be expensive, stressful, and time consuming; so why do companies go in the first place? Trade shows, conventions, marketing events, and exhibitions, are often the best opportunity to generate a broader cliental and build business relationships. But it takes a little more than just showing up to really get the bang for your buck. Whether you are new to trade shows or a seasoned veteran of convention halls and exhibitions, use these tips at your next event to increase your ROI and expand your business with qualifying leads.

Promote the Event

Trade show attendees plan out their budget and goals before they get to the event. Use social media, e-blasts, or shout it from the roof of your building – however you want to do it, get in front of potential leads early. Pre-event promotion is a great way to tell attendees where they can find you, along with the deals/offers that will be available.

Set Goals

How can you really tell if the convention was successful or not? Measuring trade show ROI is difficult when you’re just there for leads. Set goals for your team: e.g., talk to X amount of new leads, book X number of meetings, have X follow-ups after the event, etc. Setting goals will give your team something to quantify and help keep the eye on the prize.

Looks are Everything

Trade show displays represent your brand and make the first impression with potential new leads. If you show up to a trade show with only a table and some literature in your 10×10 booth, don’t expect to get the ROI you were hoping for. You’ve already spent $$$ getting there, why get cheap on the booth display? Tension fabric displays, like the best selling Tru-Fit series pop ups, have an easy setup and will keep your accountant from popping a blood vessel.

Go Multimedia

Let’s be honest, people go to trade shows to visit one to two exhibitors they have in mind and troll the rest of the booths to swoop up free bags and pens. While free swag may be a great way to get attendees into the booth, it doesn’t necessarily generate qualifying leads for your business. Aside from pens, attendees are more likely to engage with a brand that utilizes multimedia trade show displays. So throw up a video of your latest and greatest at your next trade show and watch those leads pour in.

Be Professional but Have Fun!

Sure, trade shows aren’t always the most exciting thing, but there is nothing less appealing to a potential lead than seeing their future business partner (you) sitting in a chair behind a table surfing Facebook with a tuna sandwich hanging out of their mouth. Dress appropriately for your industry and BE PRESENT – stand up, smile, and welcome attendees in with open arms! You don’t have to be a total stiff though – engage in conversation, laugh, and don’t be afraid to have a little fun.

Follow Up!

This is the most critical aspect of the trade show strategy. If your team isn’t following up with the leads gained during the last event, then what was the point? A free trip to Orlando? Probably not one of the goals you set beforehand… be organized at the trade show and keep records of business cards and notes from meetings. Have your team follow up immediately after the show. Attendees get to see a lot of exhibits, including your competition, so stay on top of them and let them know their business is important to you!

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